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Activity 1

More right answers


This activity is designed to help expand students’ vocabulary and understanding of context.

  • Divide the class into two or more teams for a collaborative and competitive element.

  • Display each question or blank from the text on the board and write the correct answer next to it as a reference.

  • Explain that the aim is to think of alternative answers that could also correctly complete the sentences.

  • Teams take turns to suggest alternative answers and get a point for each correct and contextually appropriate answer. For example, in gap 23 in the text above students could get a point for saying ’determined’, ‘prepared’, or ‘ready’.

Divide the class into two or more teams for a collaborative and competitive element.

Display each question or blank from the text on the board and write the correct answer next to it as a reference.

Explain that the aim is to think of alternative answers that could also correctly complete the sentences.

Teams take turns to suggest alternative answers and get a point for each correct and contextually appropriate answer. For example, in gap 23 in the text above students could get a point for saying ’determined’, ‘prepared’, or ‘ready’.



B2 First for school trainer3rd edition


  • 将班级分成两个或更多的小组,增加协作和竞争的元素。

  • 在黑板上展示文本中的每个问题或空白,并在旁边写下正确答案作为参考。

  • 解释活动的目标是思考可以正确回答问题的其他答案。

  • 各小组轮流提出替代答案,每提出一个正确且符合语境的答案即可获得一分。例如,在上面的文本中的第23个空白处,学生如果说出’determined’, ‘prepared’, or ‘ready’都可以得分。




各小组轮流提出替代答案,每提出一个正确且符合语境的答案即可获得一分。例如,在上面的文本中的第23个空白处,学生如果说出’determined’, ‘prepared’, or ‘ready’都可以得分。

Activity 2

Mining the text for language


This simple activity is designed to enrich students’ lexical resource and engagement with language.

  • After reading a text, give students a chance to read the text again and note down any unfamiliar words and phrases.

  • Ask students to choose some of the phrases to incorporate into their spoken or written English.

  • Simply having students read the text, especially ones that focus more on use of English knowledge, can provide lots of opportunities to notice and reuse the language again. For example, in the text above students might decide to borrow phrases like ‘making progress’, ‘capable of’ or ‘handful of’, and make an intentional effort to try them out in their next writing activity.

After reading a text, give students a chance to read the text again and note down any unfamiliar words and phrases.

Ask students to choose some of the phrases to incorporate into their spoken or written English.

Simply having students read the text, especially ones that focus more on use of English knowledge, can provide lots of opportunities to notice and reuse the language again. For example, in the text above students might decide to borrow phrases like ‘making progress’, ‘capable of’ or ‘handful of’, and make an intentional effort to try them out in their next writing activity.


  • 阅读完文本后,给学生一个再次阅读文本的机会,并让他们记下任何不熟悉的单词和短语。

  • 要求学生选择其中的一些短语,将其融入他们的英语口语或英语写作中。

  • 仅仅让学生阅读文本,尤其是那些更侧重于英语知识使用的文本,就能更多引起学生注意并再次使用这些语言。例如,在上面的文本中,学生可能会决定借用making progresscapable ofhandful of等短语,并在他们接下来的写作活动中有意尝试使用它们。



仅仅让学生阅读文本,尤其是那些更侧重于英语知识使用的文本,就能更多引起学生注意并再次使用这些语言。例如,在上面的文本中,学生可能会决定借用making progresscapable ofhandful of等短语,并在他们接下来的写作活动中有意尝试使用它们。


Analysing and rebuilding texts


In this activity we go deeper into the texts and encourage students to break them up and reconstruct them. This process involves identifying key sentences or phrases and creating new content around them.

  • For example, in the ‘My polar bear research’ text below, taken from First Trainer, students might focus on paragraph 3.


Firstfor school trainer2nd edition

  • You could ask students to discuss which sentence in the paragraph is the most important and why.
  • Ask students to identify the most important word – perhaps ‘marine’. They could work to create a sentence that uses that word in context. Then they exchange sentences with a partner and see if they could build a new paragraph around that sentence.

This activity can help sharpen students’ skills in analysis and creative writing, enhancing their overall comprehension and application abilities.


  • 例如,以下来自《First Trainer2》的‘My polar bear research’一文中(如上图),学生可能会重点关注第三段。
  • 你可以让学生讨论段落中哪一句话最重要,以及为什么。
  • 让学生识别最重要的单词——可能是“海洋/Marine”。他们可以努力创造一个在上下文中使用该单词的句子。然后,同学们与同伴交换句子,并尝试围绕那个句子构建一个新的段落。



Understanding the author


Another way to explore texts is to analyse why the author chose certain words or structures. This activity is particularly relevant for higher levels.

The teacher can ask questions such as:

  • Why has the author chosen these words?
  • Why has the author written in this style?
  • Why has the author written in the first person? (in the polar bear text)
  • Why would they make this choice? (often discouraged in academic writing)
  • We could even ask the students to use that text to create a new one, for example a blog post called ‘Three things you might not know about polar bears’ and talk about how the language might change.


  • 教师可以提出以下问题:
  • 作者为何选择这些词汇? 作者为何采用这种风格写作? (in the polar bear text)作者为何采用第一人称叙述?
  • 他们为何做出这样的选择?(通常在学术写作中并不推荐第一人称)
  • 我们甚至可以要求学生利用该文本创作一篇新的文章,例如一篇名为‘Three things you might not know about polar bears’的博客文章,并讨论语言可能如何变化。

转自 |@cambridge.org;翻译:剑桥英语分级阅读





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